Welcome to the 2025 Lacrosse season! We are very excited to get the season going and look forward to see you all on the fields and floor soon!
Available 2025 Programs:
For the 2025 Season, Hamilton Lacrosse is looking to field a U13 girls box team. We are looking for eligible players that would be interested and are born in 2015, 2014, & 2013!
We will be hosting a number of Girls Box Try Lacrosse Session over the coming months! Please stay tuned to your email, our web page & our social media for dates & details!
Have questions- please reach out to us at hamiltonr2p@gmail.com
When Will Programing Start:
Program Details:
U5/U7 Soft/Paperweight (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019) Program:
U9 (2018, 2017) Program:
U11 (2016, 2015) Programs:
U13 (2014, 2013) Programs:
U15 (2012, 2011) Programs:
U15 House League:
U17 (2010/2009) Programs:
Programing Location:
Program Times:
Program Costs
Hamilton Lacrosse is excited to offer a U13 Girls Rep Box team for the 2025 season!
This team will roster players born in 2015, 2014 & 2013.
This team will play regular season games in Zone 9 and will participate in 1 tournament plus provincials this season.
Programing will be scheduled to accommodate the girls field lacrosse schedule, allowing players to participate in both programs this season.
Registration fees have been designed to make this program very accessible for families. A small additional team fee will apply to cover referees and team specific costs once the team has been made and the schedule is released.
Official tryouts for this team will take place in late March/Early April with details TBC.
OMFLL Spring Field Registration is OPEN
Program Details:
The 2025 Field Lacrosse season starts February 1st with floor time at Players Paradise-All details for the 2025 season can be found on our "Boy's Field Page"
Regular OMFLL season play will start the weekend of April 13th
Regular season play will run for 6 weeks with the season wrapping up with provincial championships on the Victoria Day Weekend May 16-18
Link to Boys Field registration:
Program Cost:
For more information on all our girls' field lacrosse programs, visit the girls field page now.
A full refund will be offered in the event that we are not able to offer a program
Please note: A $55 administration fee will be charged for all refunds outside of those issued for program cancellation.
Why $55: When you register, the system automatically sends payment to the OLA for a number of standard player expenses including insurance & these fees can not be recovered by our association. In order to not raise our fees this year, the association will not be absorbing the OLA fees incurred when a registration is cancelled.
Thank you in advance for your support in helping us keep our fees as low as possible!
Hamilton offers outdoor field lacrosse for girls ages 4 and up.
Program Details:
Program Cost:
We have worked to keep costs minimal for the summer 2022 season:
Rep fees: additional cost is incurred playing OWFL.
New to Lacrosse? Are you registering for U5, U7 or U9? You get a FREE GIRLS FIELD LACROSSE STICK as part of your registration!